About / FAQs

What is Unite?

Unite is a camp with a difference providing a unique opportunity for young people and leaders to meet, explore their faith and enjoy a range of activities together.

Unite has a semi-structured programme of camp-style activities and faith development/worship available for two main age groups (11 to 14 and 15 to 18) over the duration of the event.

There are competitions and games as well as activities such as inflatables and various workshops on site, and entertainment in the evenings. Venues include a youth club type room for each age group with games consoles, pool table, table tennis, karaoke, music area, films etc. There is a café on site for young people and leaders.

The event also includes worship sessions during the weekend, an on site pastoral team and a venue specifically for faith development/reflection.

When and where is it?

Unite will take place from Friday 24th to Monday 27th May 2024 at Felden Lodge (BB Headquarters), Felden Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL.

Who is it for?

The event is aimed at BB members aged 11 years old and over (Company and Senior age groups) and leaders from across the organisation.

Why should I/my Company/group attend?

  • Unite is an opportunity for young people and leaders to Unite with God, Unite with other young people and Unite with members from across the organisation.
  • There will be minimal work for leaders.
  • It offers a residential activity to individuals, small Companies/groups or those Companies/groups that would never normally go on residentials.
  • Unite is very cost effective.
  • It is a good opportunity for a Company/group where no leaders have camp craft or holiday leadership qualifications.
  • It is a chance to be a part of something unique.
  • There is a varied and targeted programme for all age groups (i.e. 11 to 14, 15 to 18 and adults).
  • There is a programme full of activities that are not routinely done on Company/group meeting nights.
  • Unite provides an opportunity for Companies/groups to see different types of camp related activities.
  • It is an opportunity to meet new friends from around the region, as well as to network and share ideas.
  • You can worship God and learn about faith together, with pastoral support available.

How much does it cost and how do I book?

Find out more on our booking page.

Can I volunteer at Unite?

Find out more on our volunteer page.

How do the camping villages work?

The event has three camping villages identified by colours and assisted by two Village Leaders. For more information about how the villages work, please visit our villages page.

What activities are in the programme?

The programme offers a wide range of activities, with plenty for everyone to get involved with! You can check out the programme for Unite 2024 (in PDF format).

Will my young people enjoy the activities?

We try to make the programme as varied as possible to ensure we cater for everyone. We often run more than one session at the same time so if your young people don’t want to participate in one activity there will often be something else they can do instead. We also have The Base which can be used as a ‘chill out’ area with various games consoles, a pool table and table tennis, and Cornerstone which is open alongside the programme and offers art and craft activities.

Does the programme cater for leaders?

Although the programme is mainly focused on 11 to 18 year olds we do have specific sessions for leaders. In the past these have ranged from sessions to help with your work in your Company/group to a networking afternoon tea!

Do my young people need to be Christians or religious to enjoy Unite?

The focus of Unite is to be a camp with a difference. We would like to give children and young people the opportunity to do activities they might not otherwise be able to do and for them to meet people from around the BB. This is very much the focus of the weekend. Most camps have a service or devotions and we do the same. Our aim is to sow seeds over the weekend and provide the children and young people with a fun and varied experience. We hope that your young people can join in with the activities and if they want to explore their faith then we have the resources and people here to help them do so.

My young people find church boring, what will worship be like?

Young people do not have to attend worship but we do encourage it. This is where they meet their Village Leaders, find out what is happening during the day and find out about points and get the chance to win more for their team. We hope that you can encourage your young people to attend as this is the only time everyone is likely to be all together at one time. We’ll have a band who do a good mix of new lively songs and well known classics so it gives everyone an opportunity to join in. People can feel free to stand, sit or dance as worship is being played but it is entirely up to you.

What is the food like?

For a taster of what is usually on offer, check out the menu for Unite 2023 (in PDF format).

Can I make a donation to Unite?

Unite is not-for-profit, so all money is used solely to run the event and donations are greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a donation to Unite, please email unite@boys-brigade.org.uk.

I have a question which hasn’t been answered here. Who can I contact?

No problem! Just email us at unite@boys-brigade.org.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Latest News:

Unite 2024 – Venue Update

19th April 2024

As many of you will be aware, it has been decided that this year’s Unite will now take place at Felden Lodge. The dates remain unchanged – Friday 24th to Monday 27th May 2024 – and the Planning Team are working hard on a packed programme of activities for the weekend! We are aware that the change […]

New Beginnings

12th February 2024

This year, as we bring Unite to a new location, we will be exploring the theme of New Beginnings. In our ministry times we will look at how different people in the Bible overcame the challenges faced by new beginnings and the transformation that occurred as a result of the encounters they had along the […]

Unite 2024 – Group booking and volunteer applications now open!

7th November 2023

We are delighted to announce that Unite 2023 will take place from Friday 24th to Monday 27th May at the West Midlands District Camping Centre, Station Road, Dyffryn Ardudwy, LL44 2HB. For more details about booking your group to attend, please visit our booking page. To find out more about applying to volunteer, please visit our volunteer page. […]