Unite & Cumbrae Camp at Home – what a weekend!

It was fantastic to see young people, families and leaders from across the Brigade getting involved in Unite & Cumbrae Camp at Home over the late May bank holiday weekend.

Sessions were live streamed throughout the weekend and gave opportunities to get involved in a series of activities including Football, TikTok and Bake Off challenges, a Morning Workout & Thought for the Day each morning, a Quiz, Sports Day, Challenge Hour and more. There were times of worship where we heard from Dez Johnston (Director of Alpha Scotland), Revd Jonathan Fleming (Chaplain of Cumbrae Camp), Revd Leigh Maydew (Brigade Chaplain / Chaplain of BB England), Revd Steve Bunting (Chaplain of BB Wales) and Revd Nicola Langton-Miller (Chaplain of Liverpool & District Battalion), and music from the Unite ‘virtual’ band.

There were also opportunities for leaders to participate in a range of workshops including Delivering a Virtual Programme, Over 11’s Programme, Social Media & PR, a Young Leaders Workshop, and more.

If you missed any of the sessions or want to see them again they remain available on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. You can see what people got up to throughout the weekend by searching #UnitedInLockdown on social media.

Natalie Whipday, Director for England & Wales, said: “It was fantastic to see so many people getting involved in Unite & Cumbrae Camp at Home. A number of groups engaged in sessions together as part of their virtual programme, and it was great to see groups that had never been to one of the events taking part.”

“Both Unite and Cumbrae Camp are volunteer-led events, and I am extremely grateful to the planning teams who worked together to put on an online event – a first for the Brigade on this scale – in such a short space of time. I would also like to thank all of the other volunteers who helped out in any way to make the event happen, as well as everyone who got involved!”

If you have any feedback about the event we encourage you to email it to unite@boys-brigade.org.uk – we would love to hear anything you have to share.

We are pleased to announce that both events will be taking place next year from 28th to 31st May 2021, with Unite being held at Felden Lodge (BB Headquarters) and Cumbrae Camp at Garrison Grounds in Millport. Both events will be carrying their 2020 prices over to next year. Stay tuned for more details soon!

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